Photo by Lauren Stonestreet
Special Thanks :: Post Scriptum
To my pilot husband who never lets me settle for second best and who supports my crazy, wild ideas – through his calling, he constantly reminds me that the sky is the limit. To you, my better half, I love you like crazy and look forward to spending a lifetime together.
To Lauren Stonestreet for the time and effort she invested into creating the incredible images used on my “About” page. I am most grateful to you for believing in me, giving encouraging advice for my own photography journey, and for referring me to your brother to assist with this website.
To Stephen Stonestreet for your effort and the hours of work you put into grasping my vision and turning it into something beautiful and concrete.
To my family and friends; you encourage and inspire and say yes, when the world says no. Thank you for motivating me to pursue constant and never-ending improvement and to set and reach goals I never thought possible.
To the other musicians and artists in my life that continually inspire me to create, imagine, think outside the box, and invite me to work along side of you. Your investment in my life will never be underestimated.
To all my clients - past, present, and future: thank you for believing in me, giving me a chance, and helping to set into motion this dream and passion of mine. I am honored to be apart of YOUR story.
And above all, to my Heavenly Father and Savior, without whose constant love and grace I would have nothing worthwhile to share, give, or create. Anything of value in me is solely a reflection of His heart and His never-ending work in my life.